Extracts English



Echium amoenum; or borage is used widely in Middle East; Iran, China and India.  The active ingredients in this plant includes anthocyanidine; BORAGE flavonoid aglyconsandmucilage Borageisantidepressant; antiseptic; antifungal and can help to reduce nausea, kidney inflammation; reduction of bronchitis; treatment of colds and also regenerating skin cells It also can regulate sleeping problems



Lavandula angustifolia, lavender is a flower that is native
in the Mediterranean region and in Northern Africa.
Although this flower is known for its pleasant aroma and
is often used in cosmetics and cleaning products to add a
fresh scent, it actually has a host of health benefits.
It can improve sleep quality, brain function and immune
system. It has anti-Inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic
properties and is effective in bronchial asthma.



The dried flowers of chamomile that is native of western
Europe contain many terpenoids and flavonoids
contributing to its medicinalproperties Chamomileflower
is most commonly known for its calming effects and is
frequently used as a sleep aid. It is also an antibacterial,
anti-inflammatory and liver-protecting effects Chamomile
extract reduces symptoms of premenstrual syndrome;
while in people with type 2 diabetes saw improvements



Bitter orangeisa tree thatbelongsto the Rutaceae family anditis native to tropical Asia. The bitter orange flower infusion is used for gastrointestinal disorders including ulcers in the intestine; constipation, diarrhea, blood infections, andintestinal gas Itisalso used for regulating fat levels in the blood; lowering blood sugar in people



Thyme is a versatile herb whose history dates back
thousands of years It has notable antibiotic, antiseptic; antiviral, and diuretic properties useful in treating a variety ofailments Thyme extract contains phenolic essential oils THYME and high levels of vitamins and minerals The oil contains thymol, borneal, carvacrol and linalool which are powerful antibiotics The infusion is good for dry, whooping, acute, and chronic respiratory complaints and is very successful at treating bronchitis as well as soothing asthma and laryngitis



Mint is a perennial herb with
rapid growth: This planthas various varietiesand haslong been usedasone of the components of traditional Iranian medicine, as well as traditional medicine of China and India. Mentha piperita or peppermint has a maximum of 1% essential oil, which is composed menthol and its derivatives; Mint oil has wideapplication in pharmaceutical and food industries: The second variety Mentha spicata spearmint has less oil which is milder than peppermint The main ingredients are Carvone and its derivatives Spearmint is used mostly in pharmaceutical and perfumery industries and has been used less in the food industry:.

Mint oil constitutes from hydrophobic compounds; and there are limits to their use in water-based products because the oil will separate from water immediately: Micro encapsulated mint oil of NanoAge is hydrophilic complex; stable;non volatile and water soluble: Mint oil encapsulated granule
Package: 100 g in PEjar New formulation opportunities based on solid and Uses: Suitable for prepare various mint products like; watersoluble mint oil will be possible by this technology: drink,spirit; pharmaceuticals,supplements, tea, toothpaste; chewing gum, ice cream, aromatherapy products, Dosage: A tea spoon for 200 mlmint drink Advantages: mint oil soluble in cold and hot water; resistance to temperature




Bergamot essential oil is obtained from the peel of Citrus bergamia fruit by the cold compression method. Bergamot aroma and taste is similar to Lemon, but is more delicate and pleasant and so it is very good choice to blend it with tea.

The oil is stimulant and has anti-depressant and antispasmodic properties. Principle constituent of bergamot oil are alpha pinene, limonene and bergamyl acetate. Essential oils are very volatile and difficult to add them directly to a blend, since they will evaporate rapidly.

So, before incorporating them into any product, it is necessary to overcome the issue.

Nano technology for stabilize essential oils resolves the problem by encapsulating the oil, which will provide stable, non-volatile powder of essential oils. These formulations are stable, easy to blend, water soluble and resistant to light or oxygen. Encapsulated bergamot oils of Homet are in different shapes and colors, for flavoring various teas.

Encapsulated bergamot oil

Shapes: Extrude, Granule, Powder in tea color, Product Benefits: Stable encapsulated oil, water soluble, with color of tea, easy for dosage adjustment and specially prepared for tea aromatization. The oil is stable in blend and will release only by brewing.

Package: One kilogram double bags

Uses: Tea aromatization



Stevia is a herb native to south America. This leaf traditionally used as sweetener in beverages in the area. The glycosides in leaves are up to 3m times sweeter than table sugar. Stevia extract is calorie free and is a good choice for replacing lucose sweeteners. A small amount of impurities in the extract causes bitter taste and makes it unfit for use in food and medicine. Therefore, a high purity extract is required for these applications The pure stevia glycoside extract used in food and drug, is mainly rebaudioside A, with a purity of more than 98%.

Stevia extract can regulate blood pressure and is vey useful for diabetic individuals. Replacing sugar by stevia extract will produce weight loss. Stevia glycoside extract is an ideal choice for use by diabetic person, people who likes to lose weight or eliminate sugar from diet and replace it with a healthy sweetener. Stevia extracts of Homet are produced to answer all of these demands.

1X granulated stevia sachet

Package: 50 sachet in a package

Uses: Suitable for in house to replace regular sugars, to prepare sugar-free, calorie-free candies

Dosage: One sachet is enough for sweeten a cup of refreshment, tea or coffee.

Advantages: Natural sweetener, calorie and energy free.



Curcumin is the active ingredient of Turmeric or Curcuma
longa rhizome

 Consumption of this material has several thousand years history and is one of the main ingredients of Ayurveda medicine, the traditional medicine of India The main properties of the turmeric drug are due to its powerful antioxidant material, curcumin. This pigment has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and exists in about 2-3% in turmeric The effect of curcumin in reducing the body’s oxidative reactions, such as skin wrinkling, cell aging, joint inflammation, rheumatism and arthritis, Alzheimer and cancer has been shown.

The amazing medicinal properties

Micro/Nano encapsulated Curcumin tablet Package: 60 tablet in one package for a one-month period Therapeutic effects: Anti-aging, anti-Alzheimer, anti-tumor, anti-arthritis and rheumatism, Tableta de curcumina micro / nano encapsulada Efectos terapéuticos: 60 tabletas, paquete para un anti-envejecimiento, anti-Alzheimer, antitumoral, anti-artritis y reumatismo.

Just now there is more than 200 clinical trials in the world on this molecule. Despite the properties listed for curcumin, this substance is insoluble
in water. Insufficient dissolution of curcumin causes no drug flow in the intercellular fluids and absorption of blood, and therefore oral or topical administration of the drug has very little effect. In Homet encapsulated products including the encapsulated curcumin, drug will obtain a hydrophilic character which will enhances its absorption capacity and efficacy. The product has a higher absorption comparing with other products in the market, and so far with less quantity had more effects.



The amazing properties of SAFFRON

Saffron with scientific name of Crocus sativus is the most expensive spice in the world. To harvest one kilogram of Saffron stigma, about 200,000 Saffron flowers are needed. Iran, as the largest Saffron producer in the world, annually produces about 250 tons of premium Saffron. Unfortunately, more than 85 percent of this Saffron is exported to other countries as a raw material with no any added value. The consumption of Saffron in Iran has a long history and it is one of the principle ingredients of our traditional medicine. It has been used for centuries for its anti-depressant activity, anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effects, aphrodisiac properties and ability to regulate menstruation. Saffron has been used in Iranian traditional cuisine due to Its delicate aroma, taste and color as the spice of Emperors. The active ingredients of Saffron, which produce its Characteristic aroma, taste and color, all have therapeutic properties and are respectively safranal, picrocrocin and crocin.

In Homet encapsulated Saffron extract products, these molecules are protected and preserved properly, giving possibility to formulate them in various forms with different applications.
Powder and granule extra‹
Powder and granule of sa extract are designed for u producing saffron products, cream, beverages, flavors, i consumers of saffron extract use and will give more freed formulations. Because of er stable as bulk materials and t with higher shelf life.


  • Saffron stigma extract supplement tablet
  • Instant Saffron tablet
  • Stigma cream
  • Saffron petal cream
  • Powder extract of Saffron stigma
  • Granule extract of Saffron stigma

Powder and granule extract of saffron stigma:

Powder and granule of saffron stigma encapsulated extract are designed for use by industries which are producing saffron products, spices blends, desserts, ice cream, beverages, flavors, in restaurants and by other consumers of saffron extract. These products are easy to use and will give more freedom to manufacturer in their formulations. Because of encapsulation they are more stable as bulk materials and finished products in storage with higher shelf life.

Encapsulated extract powder of saffron stigma

Package: 1 kg double bags.
Uses: food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and for production of saffron-based formulations

Saffron stigma extract supplement and effervescent tablets

Saffron stigma extract tablet with standard amount of active materials is a potent natural antioxidant. The product is designed for use as antidepressant, aphrodisiac and for menstruation problems.
The instant saffron tablet is a product to prepare a quick saffron refreshment. Just put one of these pills in a glass of cold or warm water and prepare a drink with a pleasant flavor and pleasant color of saffron in seconds.

Saffron stigma extract supplement tablet

Package: 60 tablet for a two month period
Therapeutic effects: antidepressant, aphrodisiac and regulator for menstruation problems.
